name=Simone Piraner
location=a) Sydney b) Port Macquarie
DATE=a) 1992 b) 1995

I have two experiences to tell you about - both I feel sure were pyschic events of some sort.

a) I had just moved to the city and was wary. This particular day a friend and I were hiring a boat and I excused myself to go to the ladies room. The amenity block was in the middle of the carpark. There were many cars but as I walked towards the toilets I noticed I was alone. It was daytime and the sun reflected off car windscreens making it impossible to see inside them. My attention was drawn to a bank of cars parked parallel to the amenity block. Although I could see nothing I felt something was wrong. I walked into the toilets, stopped, thought better of it, turned and walked out. As I walked out I almost collided with a man who was just about to enter the toilets. My apperance startled him as much as me and he ran off. I truly believe my sixth sense saved me from harm.

b) My second experience still wrestles with my consience at times. I went to school with these twins who after leaving school got into drugs and crime. I had little to do with them and had not seen them for several years when I saw them at the local shops. It was a windy winter day and as I turned to return their greeting my eyes instantly fell to this tiny newborn baby in a large toddler pram and I immediately felt for the chills and was almost compelled to hold it. I didn't. I returned home and instantly told my flatmate how odd I had felt when seeing this baby and how I felt it was in some sort of danger.

Less than a week later the baby had been killed by his mother who threw him against the wall in a drunken fury. I hope I never have that feeling again, but it convinced me that I have a sixth sense worth trusting.