location=Germany/United States
witnesses=My husband

I had left several friends in the U.S. to travel to Germany to visit my husband's family. I was pregnant at the time. One night in Germany, I had a very strong dream about my friend, Vic. The dream was very colorfull. In the dream, he was in a hot air balloon going backwards (like in the Wizard of Oz) and yelling to me, Goodbye, Suzie, Goodbye! and waving. The dream, even though it had nothing disturbing in it, vaguely disturbed me enough to tell my husband about it the next morning. It left me with a strange feeling. When I returned to the States, 6 weeks later, I found out that my friend, Vic, had died at the same time I had the dream. My friends had not wanted to call me and tell me because they were afraid it would ruin my vacation. But Vic came to tell me instead. I should mention that Vic is an old boyfriend, and while we were dating, we used to have very psychic things happen together. After we broke up, he always called me to tell me about important things (when he got married, etc).

I have had other weird things happen psychically, but this is the strongest one.